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Doggy Neurosis

My doggie has been driving me nutsie cuckoo lately. He is so neurotic and has many annoying ticks that he does over and over and over. I think he's a little bit retarded because with everything he does, it is as if he cannot interrupt that process. He just gets stuck, like a skipping old record LP that you have to bump the needle to get it to go forward onto some new track.
This morning when he got a drink of water, I heard him lapping, lapping, lapping, lapping, and it went on sooooooo long that 1) I got sick of hearing the same repetitive lapping sound and 2) I know you literally can DIE from water intoxication. I actually had to get up and 'bump' him, like a needle on a record, to get his mind to jolt forward to something else in life.
That is how it is with this damn dog, every day! Has an itch, scratch, scratch, scratch, until I bump. Has to lick, it's lick, lick, lick, until I bump. Has to spin in a circle to find a good snuggle position, it's spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, until I bump...........UHG! Enough already!
No wonder I found him at the pound!
Here's a funny pic I found, don't remember what site I found it on, but thank goodness that wasn't MY dog's mess!

Dogon Math

WaWa, the 3yr old pug-mix in China has learned math. Wa Wa - meaning "baby", reportedly adds, subtracts, multiplies and even divides numbers up to 10 .

To test the claims, a reporter from the
Sanquin Daily visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pang where Wawa lives in Xi'an, Northwest Shaanxi Province.

See the
full story, here, on
